We’re updating the release schedule for the remaining episodes of The Expanse: A Telltale Series…and, after seeing some of the questions people had about how to access episodes, we wanted to help answer your questions.
First, we’ve had to slightly adjust the launch times for the game to accommodate some backend concerns. We apologize if this means that the game is unlocking for you a few hours later than previously stated.
We’ve broken it out, per platform, so that you have all the information that matters for you.
If you need further help, we’re here for you! Just follow the support instructions at the bottom of this page. Short version: Hit the blue “?” support button in the lower right corner.

- Open up the Game Card for The Expanse: A Telltale Series.
- Alternatively, Open up The Expanse: A Telltale Series from the Store Page.
- Go to Manage Games and Add ons.
- You should see the new episodes listed there.
- If there are any unchecked episodes, select to download.
- Select Save Changes.
If you’re still having problems:
- Try uninstalling / reinstalling the episode.
- Try doing a clean reinstall of the game.
- If you still can’t access the episode, hit the blue “?” support button in the lower right corner of this page. Tell them which digital store you got your code from, the region you’re in, and what version of the game you have.

If new episodes don’t download on PS4:
- In your library, click on the tile for The Expanse: A Telltale Series.
- Click on Playstation Store button at the bottom.
- Move over to the “add-on” and select.
- From there, you should see the episodes available to download.
If new episodes don’t download on PS5:
- In your Game Library, click on the tile for The Expanse: A Telltale Series.
- There should be a tile on the right side showing the other episodes listed as “FREE.”
- From there, you should see the episodes available to download.
Another PS5 method:
- On Home Screen, highlight game.
- Hit the Options button
- Select Manage Game Content
If you’re still having problems:
- Try uninstalling / reinstalling the episode.
- Try doing a clean reinstall of the game.
- If you still can’t access the episode, hit the blue “?” support button in the lower right corner of this page. Tell them which digital store you got your code from, the region you’re in, and what version of the game you have.

- New episodes should automatically patch into the game on PC, as long as it’s past 12am PT on the specified day, noted in the image above.
- There may be a slight delay after the server goes live.
If you’re still having problems:
- Try doing a clean reinstall of the game.
- If you still can’t access the episode, hit the blue “?” support button in the lower right corner of this page. Tell them which digital store you got your code from, the region you’re in, and what version of the game you have.
We appreciate all of you – especially as we spin the studio back up and start releasing episodic games again. We continue to learn and pay attention to what you are telling us in our social channels. Your comments and feedback mean the world as we continue to release the remaining episodes for our first game back as Telltale.
Frankly, we wouldn’t be here without your support.
SPEAKING OF SUPPORT: If you’re running into ANYTHING keeping you from experiencing The Expanse: A Telltale Series, create a ticket so that our support team can dig deeper. In order to do that, just look for the blue “?” support button on the bottom corner of this page and give us more details about what’s happening.
The Expanse: A Telltale Series available now on